Friday, February 27, 2009

Balancing Our Realtionship with Money

Our relationship with money is balanced in how we perceive, as it is with all "things".

Are we realizing happiness from money or is money a part of our experience with no more importance than any other thing? These are questions to observe within our consciousness.

Our belief is what makes us "think" that money or any "thing" has precedence over the other; but we are more than things (including money), and this knowing illuminates the world.

As we deepen into our joy the details fall away and organize themselves.

Money does not just magically show up. There are energetic relationships at work.

When we love who we are and what we are doing we do not over-think the situation and we continue flowing in prosperity of heart as we are humans "being".

We make calls, connections, Facebook profiles, creations, etc..., and these coalesce and "create" money, but freely, as we are not attached to the outcome.

We are then free and will enjoy all experience, be it from a palace or a tent.

Today is a great gift in that it creates an inward reevaluation of who we are.

Let the Goddess of Wealth that WE Are Purify

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"One Eternal Bloom" Poster

One Flower of Form
One Mandala of Formlessness
One Eternal Bloom

New poster for sale through Richard Schooping

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Blooming Children

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Holy Overtones

Harmony is a key to Heaven.

What is harmony? What does harmony really mean and what is occurring? How does harmony exist and conversely, what is distortion?

Harmony is resonance with the wholeness that IS.

Harmony may only be harmonic in it relation to the oneness upon which it is relating. Distortion then exists as a variance of harmony less it would not be distorted, just as our ideas of being separate could not be without wholeness to compare to.

Harmony is the “sudden” realization that we are a part of a “larger” relationship realized through hearing or feeling more. We realize that we are a part of a larger harmony (or family) of vibration experienced through our music; through consciousness.

An interesting observation is that when we harmonize, say by playing three notes (a chord) simultaneously within a musical scale on a piano, more than three vibrations are heard, or sound, or vibrate, or resonate. We are familiar with this understanding of sympathetic resonance through Physics, but let us look at this another way.

What we are experiencing are the overtones, “The Holy Overtones.”

The chord (or harmony) we strike (or sound) “calls” out to the notes within the "other" octaves (or heavens, angel choirs, dimensions, etc.), and we experience more. We may only strike (or play) one note, middle “C” for example and when we listen closely (or observe) we hear lower and higher versions of the note, or harmonies within the “C” chord. This is how sound and harmonies reveal Heaven, or the “more” that we “are”.

We are energy which experiences life through the senses as vibration, or waves of sound and light. Overtones are “higher” or expanded glimpses of organized families of harmonies of which we are a part and are integral.

The interconnectedness of wholeness is revealed through the “mysterious” language of music (vibration) that occurs with the playing of one note, or one heart.

When one note plays all notes (or strings, or beings) vibrate to a certain degree (or frequency) and it is the harmonic relationships which determines the vibration sounded, or how the strings resonate: "the celestial music of the spheres".

Harmonics and overtones are the doorways and windows into the "more" that we "are".

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Synergy of the Seeds

Through our presence harmony is realized.

In transcending the ego's habitual desire to debate over our culturally-created colors we expand into more, thus rising above and unifying the seeds of love at the heart of all religions.

Let us realize each seed so to then adorn GOD: "That which embraces and of which we are integral" with a magnificent Mala of our eternal devotion and gratitude.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Let Every Day Be Valentine's Day


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Illumination Through Reaction Awareness

No matter the situation,

it is for our benefit.

Let us observe our reactions closely;

for they reveal our current consciousness,

pointing us to the more that we are.

Monday, February 9, 2009

"We Are More" Poster

Poster available through richard schooping

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our flowering presence




from our


Friday, February 6, 2009

I am deep in creation. I have a new website design - richard schooping - and am mastering my music CD for digital download.

Here is an inspiration for all today:


transcendence of our evolution

reveals the Eternity

we ARE.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Realizing the Mirrors

Do we exist?

Can we deepen into the analysis of experiencing each other vibrationally through our current understanding of light so as to "taste" pure consciousness? Well, let's find out through this simple "peek" into the relationship of mirrors.

As we have realized, what we experience as our life is our current psychology; or our consciousness. What is interior is exterior. All is mind. We realize also this includes what we currently label as "human beings". So if we are only experiencing our consciousness then what and who are all these people and how do they exist?

Every experience no "matter" the matter, or what the "thing" is, IS a mirror. Each "thing" is reflecting the other "thing" until we "think" that there is more than One here. What is occurring is ONE is being reflected and refracted through a psychology of mirrors.

Each person walks around through their mind; their beliefs; their definitions. Ultimately these "things" are unique to each "individual" and to another these beliefs and definitions are not the same. These are reflected versions of wholeness. There is only "one", so at the core, these differences are not real they are illusion. They are the language of the mirrors. They "are" mirrors reflecting the "seemingly" fragmented pure consciousness that IS; that we "are".

So, then do we exist, or does only the illusion exist?

Both, in that there is only one pure consciousness which we "are" and then there is the refracted consciousness of (and in) evolution that has "forgotten".

This is the dream.

How we step out of the dream is to realize that we are more than any "thing" we dream. We open up to "all that we are" through the surrender of our evolving consciousness, or our limited understanding. We realize that each label or new definition is truly another reflection born of a mirror in the mind. As we release or realize that these are limited attachments (or limited reflections of light), less and less mirrors now exist. Subsequently less and less reflections or refractions of light or the fractured word of GOD exists and we realize more and more of the singularity we are. We become one through less refraction.

It is the subtraction of additional reflections (or mirrors) which unifies.

There is no more mystery. When we are not attached to limiting beliefs, labels, definitions, etc., then the reflections are not created, and what is left?
