Our relationship with money is balanced in how we perceive, as it is with all "things".
Are we realizing happiness from money or is money a part of our experience with no more importance than any other thing? These are questions to observe within our consciousness.
Our belief is what makes us "think" that money or any "thing" has precedence over the other; but we are more than things (including money), and this knowing illuminates the world.
As we deepen into our joy the details fall away and organize themselves.
Money does not just magically show up. There are energetic relationships at work.
When we love who we are and what we are doing we do not over-think the situation and we continue flowing in prosperity of heart as we are humans "being".
We make calls, connections, Facebook profiles, creations, etc..., and these coalesce and "create" money, but freely, as we are not attached to the outcome.
We are then free and will enjoy all experience, be it from a palace or a tent.
Today is a great gift in that it creates an inward reevaluation of who we are.
Let the Goddess of Wealth that WE Are Purify