When we realize that a "mission" is our misinterpretation of the perfection of the ONE created by the limited understanding of the ego we become free of the mind's continual projections "out" into some "future", and we are now here.
Because until we accept all of our experience equally we will be in a "hell" of needing to fix things indefinitely, and this is not peace, gratitude, or non-judgment. We will always be dissatisfied with some"thing" here or some"thing" there.
There is a perfection that is not based upon duality, and when we surrender our "Mission" (holy or not), we realize this greater perfection and we break the chains.
No wave is separate of the ocean, no matter what we think; as all waves are in relationship. ♥
Read about my journey in, out, and beyond AIDS today. 9.95 E-book at http://www.lulu.com/product/item/from-suffering-to-soaring/10890646