Friday, November 23, 2007


If one is choosing a teaching path at this time they must never lose touch with the truth that we ALL are students. Today we are learning to release our existing notions of life and sail on the currents of love into new and glorious realms of expanding understanding.

There is none better than the other.
We are all the same ONE looking into the mirror.

Some have proficiency in facilitation, organization, and speaking; but, we and they must never forget that ALL are students to life.

When the student asks a question it requires the same insight and growth for the teacher to answer. The teacher is asking a teacher. The student is asking a student. When we maintain this mindset we are able to flow without ego and touch truth.

Definitions are not needed any more within being; it is a "knowing" that will steer this vessel. Definitions are heavy stones in our pockets.

It is interesting the notion about not throwing pearls before swine. If we want to say that the teacher has a particular "function", it is to be aware of this precept and to practice its teaching. We share aspects of ourselves that we feel are harmonic with the other’s heart. Through the cultivation of inner silence we then get in touch with our "feeling" sense so that we are able to intuitively know when and what to share with another from a wider perspective. Through our practices removing us from the illusory play, we are provided with a platform of observance. We see the larger patterns within an individual’s life and the whole and are able use our senses as way-showers to the heart.

The truth that we teach another is NEVER to take another being's word as truth; only to use the words of another as stepping-stones into ourselves for our own truth.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Be Mindful Teachers

I observe that the majority are now seeking and learning energy manifestation egoically and not in awareness they are doing so.
They are not aware that they have only harnessed the ego with new teachings for further eons of unneeded lessons and entrapment.

We are here for each other.
We awaken for each other.
We become creators for each other.

Now we have millions who are using energy to create what they need, and not what we ALL need.

Teachers, be mindful in the knowledge you share; for what you share is a power that can be plugged into
an illusion or solution.
Today there are even more illusion machines pumping out new ego toys when this is the last thing that we need.

Of course there is no right or wrong, but there is discernment for the flower to follow the Sun.

We ultimately become creators to create vibrations of light, love, compassion, and peace - not more material. Material will never truly satisfy US, because we are more.

We can spend lifetimes creating castles, dream realities, or whatever else we can conjure and still be in the realm of ego while WE still suffer without even realizing. Or, we can know ourselves so fully that we disappear and then we are the ONE who is love, peace, and compassion.

We can then be a channel for divinity to shine through as true co-creators of love.

Manipulation of energies is not enlightenment; it is still only a part of physiological evolution, remember this.

It the intent of the heart that enlightens.

When you teach, it would be valuable to clarify this for the student

Friday, October 26, 2007

A Meaning for Surrender

Surrendering to the knowing that ALL is love and divine and that
one is always exactly where one is, always.

Concepts and beliefs only limit the vastness.

Faith is not a dogmatic mystery;
it is an embraced knowing that spreads beyond
the senses and creates continual freedom.

Soar above through silence to know.

We are here to be the Joy and creativity that we are.

We are not here to fix others or other's things, this will
ensnare one into the matrix of this illusion. We are more.

The world is only a reflection of our beliefs. The world
is created to reflect us back to ourselves.
When we realize that this is only a mirror, then we can step
out of the illusory dream and truly BE.

You can never affect or change a reflection, only the source.

All have the freewill to learn love within their

Shine, Shine, Shine, unattached and observant and
and ALL will benefit from the illumined path.

The more you tangle, the more there is to unravel.

Let go and let God, then your light is a Way out of the dream.

We are the WAY when we are out of the way.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We Gave Us This

All we know

All we feel

Only love that surrounds us

All we hear

There’s nothing to fear

Its only us that has found us

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for

We are the ones in the open door

You are me

And I am you

There is no separation

Its what I am

Its what we are

One united creation

We are the peace that we’re seeking

We are the joy that is being

So celebrate everybody that we know

Celebrate everything and everywhere we go

Feel the unity grow

Situations, situations will flow

There’s are stream

Only a dream carrying us together

Its only love

Its only one

Dancing sacred forever

We are the savior we’re praying for

We are the light through the open door

So celebrate every color that we see

Celebrate every note in every melody

Singing a song of bliss

Overjoyed we gave us this

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Souls and Cells

Thinking about the relationship between Souls and Cells

We are cells. We are souls, or whatever name we use to catalog the different gradients of consciousness. We are the body. We are the All.

Within each cell are the DNA/RNA nucleotides that contain the signature of the whole, or body of us and of life - there is no seeming difference. This relationship exists as far as I can see into the design and out into the design. Harmony is harmony at every level. If God is love then ALL is love. I have never forgotten this.

Each cell has a unique function; amplifying a certain vibration through the DNA, nevertheless they all comprise the whole. Each cell or soul is an antenna that feeds off of the one true Universal nutrient: love. The cells’ DNA picks up vibrations of love from source and expands or contracts to send the message of love into the cells and souls. Each body in-turn is also a “feeling” body that is in constant communication with the waves of vibration that we are, each performing the same tasks at different levels of consciousness: the transference of love.

We can look at cells as people and life as the 1 body. We can observe and learn from this incredible teaching tool and gift that has been betrothed to us; our bodies. All truth is being shown to us through the incomprehensible way our bodies function.

We can observe the systems that comprise the total body to then have understanding of the world systems. It is incredibly enlightening to look at the world in this way. It sounds simple, but when one truly embraces this in their core of being they will taste love. We then understand that just as our body sustains itself with the proper nutrition: love, so then will and DOES the world exist because of love. Love goes from philosophy to tangent truth. Instantly division and segregation fall away. Labels fall away. Understanding within flowers; thus the 1000 petal crown charka. Anger and hatred fall away; for how can you hate anything when you now see yourself in everything? It has changed from abstraction to reality instantly when you really “see” the world as one body.

Our body is the book of truth. Our body replaces any printed page or uttered word. When we let these illusory ideas fall away, then what is left? The amazing thing is that WE are. Peace is. Love is all that is left and then we know that this is all there is. After all the ideas and concepts and webs of teaching dogma fall away, we are all that is left.

Our body is the guru.

If you have been seeking the teacher then know that YOU ARE IT.

A human needs nothing external to know the truth. It is only when you believe that you need something of the world that you do, for the belief is actually the limiting factor.

When we observe the body as an intelligent aspect of ourselves then we can learn what the body (we are) is teaching us within every breath and heartbeat. We can feel what the body is saying to us and respond in knowing. We can feel what the body is communicating through tingles, fevers, aches, inner dialogue, silence, or any one of the many ways it talks to and through us in each moment. We can feel each other instead of trying to think we feel each other. We will know that we are the antenna and that we are the love. This will now make sense through practical application.

We now know how it works.

In our bodies we can observe the different organs and circuits and cells that all have a purpose just as people in this world do. We are then able to see the white and red blood-cells at work. We will see the dance of cosmic veins and arteries throughout creation like their physical reflections winding through our own body. We are also then able to see how the balance is being maintained by each cell being exactly itself. A muscle cell is not trying to be a brain cell, and vice versa. Each cell and soul is receiving its input from source and acting out its divinity accordingly. Each cell is exactly where it should be when observed without judgment.

EVERY cell and soul is needed for harmony.

When we look at the world as one giant organism or body of balanced wholeness we gain the ability to stop focusing on the small chaotic aspects such as an altercation between two opposing factions or countries, or white blood-cells attacking foreign bacteria, or simply recycling souls or mitochondria in the bloodstream, to seeing the order that is in function. Upon micro-inspection it may seem violent and random; but, as we slowly zoom out through awareness into a macro observation we begin to see the order and organization that is truly shaping and guiding the whole, guiding life.

Rapids appear violent and random but the river still flows in one direction.

Look to the amazing body to understand the love and balance and miracles at play and you will then see the love, balance, and miracles wherever you are.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What are we saying, and why?

I have observed over the past years certain words in my vocabulary infrequently used, if used at all. I have also realized the importance of what I say and why I say it, or don't. This also leads to saying less and hearing more. Just as a chick's feathers fall away and make room for the mature feathers, so do old-world words as our awareness expands. I have realized that there are words we language that are not self-serving for us now. There are words we speak unconsciously in all conversations. We say rehearsed and memorized quotes, topics, and subjects that are as a dead as the printed words from whence they derived. We may not have read them personally but the person we are speaking to has. We ask questions without really listening for an answer. We say things without even listening to what we are saying. We are acting our lines from scripts that have been handed to us through the collective society. We are the sum of what has stuck to us.
There are words we say automatically like playing a recorded message instead of answering or speaking from within the spontaneity of the moment. We have filled our conversations with disempowering phrases and anecdotes that convey absolutely nothing. We rarely share anything real outside of our philosophical clutches. We need to step outside of our "box of tricks" to receive and enlightened angle, or angel. We need to step beyond our limited sense of self to have true conversations. We rarely share epiphany. We use words such as should, or could, or might, or wish, or luck, that have very little gravity and too much inertia to get carried away in. These are words that are not grounded in being. These are words that reside in tomorrow or yesterday. Instead of saying "I should have gotten to work on time"; denoting variables unending, you would say "I will be on time for work from now on." Can you feel the difference? Do you feel the sturdiness? Do you feel the roots below your feet? The first statement is full of insecurity and doubt and lacking confidence while the latter is grounded and with purpose. With self-awareness comes awareness of what one is thinking and then saying. What we say is just a tangent thought.
With such a simple change of words our entire attitude changes, the thoughts are silenced and the heart finds a voice. We shift into another space. The power lies in the time to take silence and reverence to receive the new as we speak to each other. If we stop the program we will hear the truth in-between. We will find happiness in knowing what we are saying and not saying.

Monday, July 30, 2007

A Poem

Ah, so this is what they meant.
No wonder they are idolized;
With inferno eyes
that gaze upon timeless stretches

We are blinded by them,
so in our blindness
we will know the light
we Are