Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Fenceless Now

Do you ever consider the reason that we segregate ourselves within ourselves? Do you ever wonder how and why a certain fence within was constructed? Are we holding something in or blocking something out? Is it important to continually evaluate a fence? Yes. Maybe now is the time to observe fences.

I find it interesting that we effortlessly own a thought about a tree, or going to the grocery store, or even a deep and involved philosophical or so-called spiritual discussion; but, when we have an abstract or inspirational thought we label and categorize it as mystical or angelic and not an “us” thought. Is it due to it coming from beyond, beyond a fence?

Are humans incapable of profound and insightful thoughts? Of course we are not. Are we content to stay within the fence? It does not seem so. It is interesting to note that happy animals do not require a fence; for it is love that creates the flow of life, not the restriction. If the animal stays or strays it is proportionate to the love experienced and not because of a fence. A fence may be a cage without a ceiling or a safe arena for growth. A fence may be built upon fear of the unknown, or the known. A fence may be a blood-clot in the running green veins of nature or the current stratagem of survival. I understand the value of a fence when perceived from different levels of self understanding. I have also tasted the inexpressible when they are surpassed.

Let us examine an impetus for constructing fences.

Ask yourself, are we less than the thoughts we have? Are we meant to be confined within a certain area of experience and that is all? Are the limits placed upon us by some unknown entity, or, have we placed these limits upon ourselves? You may not see a leg in the dark, but if you shine a flashlight it is there. Because we can not see the path over the hill does not mean it does not exist. A great quote is “the grass is always greener on the other side.” This is so powerful in that it creates a resistance to continually running for satisfaction, and yet it plants a seed of wanting to know more of what we are.

Today we know that we are energy, and something even beyond. We have proven this to the point that we are able know now, and this is amazing!

We know now.

We now know.

Imagine how many fences disappeared as we accepted this understanding about energy. Imagine the freedom felt by the countless confined in a fence of mortality. Feel the power when you hear that we are unending, limitless energy. Now feel the friction of those still holding on as the fences dissolve back into potential nothingness. If one is not ready for new expanse they will only cover there eyes and senses as the fences are dismantled.

Do you see how life is created by levels of fences?

We are non-local energy at play.

We are limitless, so why the limitations?

Are not the thoughts and feelings coming from within us our own non-local experience? Imagine the amount of fences that will disappear when we own everything. Imagine the stillness when we stop sending energy into imaginary place-holders and we experience all that we are here, now. Can we become adept at recognizing fences, and therefore freeing ourselves of them? Do we want to? Are we ready? These are good questions.

A fence creates the lesson.

There is a time when a toddler realizes he can open the sliding-glass back door, a gate to him or her, and then unknowingly he has entered a larger gated backyard. Now the backyard is ALL to the toddler, it is everything. It is newness and adventure and discovery until one day he realizes that there is more on the other side of the backyard fence. Now he does not get angry that he was enclosed; he is so immersed in the more of new experience that all that was associated with the backyard fence has evolved into the new space of experience. Could this be entering Heaven as children? Can we experience new experience without attaching all the baggage? The child’s attention is now observing the opened space beyond the fenced in backyard, free to be without all the yesterdays and tomorrows.

We also can ascertain that we have created psychological fences through our development so as not to lose a sense of identity as we expand into mystery. Even as children we think there is a Santa Claus until we realize it is our parents behind the scenes, and then one day, it is now us who is giving gifts to our loved ones. Do you see how this works? We eventually must find and observe every fence as we experience this experience; for when we are able to observe the fence, we are then able to realize that what we observe is not the true observer and the fence is then a non-fence.

We must love every fence to continue to flow.

The thing is that we can really love a fence and worship a fence and the space that we are confined in until we think that what we know is everything. We can paint a fence and whatever else we can think of to a fence, but it still a fence; and when we own the fence, and are then able to observe it unhindered, the fence becomes a non-fence.

How poor a design would be if one was expected to measure every part of their experience against an unknown acting catalyst; this is the playground of insanity. This is akin to being placed in a pool and asked to define only the water that has fallen from the sky – it is all water no matter its origination. You are in the pool therefore the pool IS your experience. Is it not all the same experience that is flowing through our conceptual structures of understanding? Water that passes through a colored lens may appear to change color but it is still the same water. Why do we have a need to partition parts of ourselves as invisible, individual, and conveniently unreachable fragments? What has caused us not to own our entire experience?

When did we create angels and others residing in mysterious dimensions to save us instead of saving and owning ourselves? Do you see the profound implications to this thought and to its possible unraveling? Furthermore, can we now be done with this fragmentation knowing that is has served well? Do we feel that we have benefited and may now return to whole being? Do you see that we are not working with and discovering new creations and aspects of GOD; we are only re-experiencing the aspects of ourselves that we separated into from a de-evolved state of being. It is vital that this simple idea be allowed to gestate within this dissolving menagerie as we embrace more of what we are instead of deepening into the illusion.

We learn and expand from every experience, yes? And I celebrate this. I can only share my experience, and it is that all is us through the understanding that everything that we experience is us; is me; is you, is one, is no-thing. Each thought, each feeling, each experience just is. We can, and have imagined and created intermediary beyond intermediary and this is fine; but again know there is an alternative – a direct route to truth.

There is a fenceless existence.

There is no one but you, so own it. There is only one. A fence can divide land as well as layers within our psyches and selves. There is only one and a fence delimits the experience.

It is interesting to note that when we meet someone we have a barrage of information to access and gather and memorize as we eventually connect with them. But after we do know them and feel them we do not need definitions or even words. We are happy to just be with them and talk or not talk. We are in a fenceless moment. We are now, and there is an unspoken language that conveys all that we feel to them. It seems the more we share the less we need to use words and fences to define the other. Love runs freely into and out of itself.

So all that I seem to be rambling and writing here is that when we have a new experience, or as we rediscover more of ourselves, be observant to the fact that we as a species tend to create placeholders for the new and mysterious information instead of knowing that the experience is only another aspect of who we truly are.

Just as we spring board through the observance of illusory teachings (all truly serving a grander purpose than we are able to grasp) it will benefit us greatly if we realize that we will only at some point be doing the same to all the imagined and created realities that we have created by not owning our experience as our own.

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Welcome, and thank you for sharing with me. I will read your comment as soon as I am able. I am honored you have stopped by.