Life is energy. All is energy. Today, let us let the mystery go. We are here and we are opening to more of all that we are, and this includes new knowledge to eventually surrender.
At the “core” of what we experience as life is a pure consciousness beyond definition. We could also say a form of formlessness that we point to with countless words, including the word “energy.” All words are not it. No state is it, so let us not define them as so. Sexuality is not it, so can we let attachments to sexuality go and transcend into more?
We; “this” awareness in some manner springs forth (up and out) of pure consciousness, or God, and then we are who we are today, a limited transcending consciousness. Let me state a very simple observation that may free us of ancient and powerful energetic limitations.
There is no sexuality in pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is; it contains all.
There, that is all we need to know and we can move forward. Be who we are. Be who you are freely. There is only oneness. Sexuality is “created” here through our limited understandings as we learn and expand into the more that we are. There is no wrong or right, it just is. We are experiencing the journey. When we continually release definitions we have of ourselves including sexuality and gender we are disentangling and disassociating our energies, becoming the pure consciousness we are.
So, if the idea of sexuality is created through limited understanding, and we transcend limitation through this and future writings, then may we conclude that we transcend the idea of sexuality as well?
We cannot deny that concerning these physical bodies there are differences. There “is” sexuality here on Earth in these bodies. But we know and have known this, and now may transcend this limited idea to know the pure consciousness of which we are integral.
We are more than sexuality.
We are more than Heterosexual, Homosexual, or any of the gradient of human experiences. We are more than man or woman. These are vibratory creations of this Earth consciousness. The body is created by the environment. We have “entered” and morphed to be here. We require a certain “suit” to experience creation because we are more.
I do not claim to understand the why or the how. What I point to is the unlimited truth that we always are. I do not point to the details; for there are many proficient in this regard. What I offer is a light that eternally illumines the pure consciousness (GOD) that we are in all situations and all circumstances, and this light is now upon sexuality and gender.
now this z an interesting oint. i believe sexuality is the leading force