It seems I am still talking to myself. I am not out to teach, I just find myself writing.
The only way to know is to surrender the need to NO.
Why do we have sameness in our experience? Or to put it simply, what causes a rut in our life?
Why do we experience the same things over and over when life is a dancing eternal change?
What creates this limited and repeating scenario?
If life is forever anew then we can conclude the catalyst for sameness is within. There is an internal structure created from a narrow understanding that is attempting to contain one fragment of the whole which in-turn causes suffering as life struggles to free itself, as we struggle to free ourselves. We have placed so much of our being and energy into one fraction that we have become lost in an artificial world and time-line within the "rut", never realizing that we have stopped flowing with the eternal breath. We are then subjected to endless energetic circumstances, dramas, and beliefs that are not rooted in reality but in one's idea of reality. Are these circumstances worthy? Of course, because the design is immeasurable and always love, but much of what is gleaned would be naturally learned within a less turbulent flow of experience.
One can learn the waves by observing or panicked and up to the chin. They are the same waves, only the perception has changed.
Life is out to love, and it is how we accept the love that determines experience.
If we experience the same life over and over with the same type of friends and lovers and teachings it is because we have brought them into our reality through our belief systems which communicate through vibration. If you become a certain belief you can guarantee this resonate will draw the like unto itself; this is not mysterious, it is physics. This also explains how one’s belief can be continually fed and fueled and strengthened though energetic synchronization to where it is then a self-fulfilling, self-contained prophecy and not the river of life. As we resonate, those that resonate will be drawn to us.
We will draw to us each other according to vibratory signature or light signature. This can draw beauty to itself or illusion. We must remember to balance the noise with silence.
If we seek change and (r)evolution we change the belief through the observation we have the belief, it is as simple as that. Better yet, we believe nothing but what we experience with each breath; for life is alive and not to be caged into any box no matter the decoration or composite.
Time erases and the Sun replaces until we ARE.
Yes we can work with laws of nature with the understanding that these too are ephemeral. All we are to believe in is that EVERYTHING changes, and to appreciate this. We can employ certain relationships and structures for order amongst ourselves as long as we remain open and hyper-aware for the subtle beliefs that permeate our life.
Let everything Be and the many levels of illusion will work them selves out.
It is when we stop pulling on the knot that we can begin to loosen and unravel the cord.
Closed systems fail despite, their “spirituality.” Tibet is a prime example.
All must recognize that it is interconnected and vital to the all.
Life doesn't believe; it is too busy doing.
A belief is an attempt at categorization and departmentalization of Is-ness.
As long as we remember that EVERYTHING is a stepping stone we continue.
It is when we try and tie down the wind or waves that we struggle.
A lightning bug dies in a jar.
Belief infers that somehow life has stopped long enough to be defined, when in reality only the exploration has stopped.
We know life from BEing life.
There is no need for conviction because there is nothing to believe.
Start up again. Throw it all up like the fall leaves and watch life carry the pieces back into the mystery. Let the actors return to their parts and continue observing, for the joy is in the observing not in the observed.
The gift is the experience.
The present is in the presence.
Celebrate the changes that continually pull and provoke for these are what keep us moving back into our self. How we understand life is how we experience it. If life feels confined and confused, then that is how we perceive it. Dismantle the belief system to allow life in and re-connect to larger and more mysterious relationships that are unending in complexity and order.
We do not have to know to know; this is the paradox (pair of docks) leading to the same body of being.
It is not the walls, windows, or doors; it is the space that creates the room, or the experience.
Space is not empty it is impregnated with every imaginable experience.
Space has no things for it is the womb of all things.
Sit with nature.
Space is wholeness because it is the mound and the hole.
Reflect in quietness.
Embrace Space. Become the Space we are by letting the beliefs and concepts go.
And what remains after we are free of these “things”? The empty fullness of BEing.
Release the thought-children and come back to the moment with open arms and senses until new children pause, play, and proceed off again.
A vibrant, golden-haired child is walking along a winding river when a glistening flat stone catches their eye. Instantly they bend, grasp, straighten, and hurl the stone into the clear, blue water watching it skip several times before submerging - delighted. The child threw the stone and is continuing down along the river, in the river of life. This is life being life. This was spontaneous. This is beautiful. This is freedom through expression. Only the mechanical laws of thought were needed to move the body and act upon the moment, nothing else is required. We are free to be, always: Now. All is provided.
An older person is walking along a river and sees a flat stone. They do not act upon the request of the moment but continue to think and thus the flow stops and time lengthens. They ask questions based on stagnant and deteriorating beliefs that are not based or grounded in presence, and the moment fleets like sand through fingers. They ask "Should I pick up that lovely stone? Maybe I should throw it in the river. No, I am too old to do that sort of thing, what if someone sees me? This rock is placed here by God in harmony and I should let it lie. What would a monk do? What would Jesus do? Maybe I could take it home and paint something wonderful on it? I used to love to paint. I remember when I was young when we used to throw stones down into the well on the farm." From this perspective we can clearly see how the beliefs formed the thoughts which assisted in the artificial time-line that created a bubble.
Thinking creates time: it creates a line between what was and what may be; and now like a tightrope one walks forever along this alternate reality unsure and fearful of the fall, when in reality there is no tightrope. And what is amazing is that as we walk they continually recreate the past and future points that sustain the time-line, forever crossing an imaginary expanse in an illusionary bubble without even realizing.
Pierce the belief and the bubble will burst.
Why does a monk or do certain people seem at peace, or enlightened? How are they calm and happy in a world filled with complexity, pain, disease and war? Are they superhuman and different then the rest of the world? No. They are us. Then what is the difference?
By delving into themselves through meditation, solitude, nature, or a form of quiet reflection they have through observation understood, cleared, and healed the mind.
By creating space within they have become that space.
We are intelligent space. This is not abstract, it IS.
We can now realize that the more we empty the fuller we become.
We are consciousness experiencing itself through vibration: material forms.
We are always free even when we do not remember. There is nothing to fear.
Just remember to continually let go and to create space in your life so you can remember you are that space. How incredible!
If we sit without moving, doing, or even thinking we are still aware, right? So we are then nothing that we are then able to observe.
We are the observer.
We observe from quark to quasar; from glitch to God. Anything we observe is not us. If we can see it, hear it, touch it, taste it, feel it, it is not us. It is vibration, and we now understand that we are before the vibration observing the interplay.
When we are free of trying to do, then we just, we just ARE. We IS.
We are not "weighed down" with the burdens of collection but are en"light"ened and present enjoying the experience.