We are an "individualized" energetically-derived human "being" that experiences life through limiting layers and filters within our consciousness which create the illusion of separateness.
We are a piece of eternal peace realizing the GOD it IS, that we "are".
This is the ultimate gift for oneness to "offer"; to re-realize and re-experience becoming oneness.
We "each" are a song that is eternally harmonizing with the grander symphonic resonance of love.
We expand when we fully embrace ourselves at each moment, opening to more as a flower to the Sun (or son).
As we embrace ourselves, accepting all that has occurred with grace and gratitude,
we "gather" the sheep (or our flock) of horizontal experiences and realize the Now.
We are merging with our learning and evolving personality, the ego: our limited idea of Self.
We are the Shepherd gathering the fragments of ourselves home.
There is only one shepherd and we are "that".
We are each "Jesus". Today let this truth sink in. We are not required to worship, only realize the "more that we are" through parable, sign, or symbol. These are pointers pointing us "back" to ourselves within the "dream". The paradox is that great beings have awoken and realized the "one", and instead of realizing ourselves as the "one" through their "example", we attach and fragment even more through our worship and fantasies of mind. We become the sheep.
There is no right or wrong, only growth, and now through this information we grow from being only sheep to also the shepherd.
Upon the realization of the moment (the now, not the fantasy time-line) we are aligned vertically with "all that we are". When aligned and harmonized with and as our "unique" song; our lives; our vibration architecture, we then become a "part" of larger or more expanded consciousness as we travel "home" to oneness.
There is no mystery. If we are in a "distorted" consciousness we are then attracted or in enharmonic harmony with other distorted consciousness (strings) of experience.
But, when we accept our current lives fully we energetically harmonize, and through this harmony we resonate and "join" more expanded harmonies of GOD. We realize the Holy Overtones.
As we remain balanced we expand balanced into more of the wholeness we "are".
When one feels "stuck" or is seeking peace through material forms it is due to an imbalance within the consciousnesses (a disharmony of limiting attachment) which is reflecting the distortion or imbalanced "life" back to them in their mirror of experience. They are currently experiencing their experience as a fragment; as a sheep.
The way to "be" the Shepherd; the "more", is through self-love.
Self-love is the tuning-fork of grace.
Self-love realigns one to one's vertical experience.
Self-love reshapes and balances the sphere of one's experience.
Self-love re-introduces the Shepherd.
Self-love harmonizes our current distorted understandings, and then we harmonize and become more expanded relationships of GOD; love; etc.
Realizing we are the Shepherd aligns us with the "vertical" aspect of experience and we continue flowing and growing in our knowing.
Understanding that we are the child "and' the parent; the sheep and the Shepherd, we recognize our attachments and fragmented aspects of ourselves (our ego) and re-harmonize eternally as we "become" more of "all that we are".