Every moment is divine, it is just that we THINK that this is not so. Let us realize that there is only ONE divine moment and that it is the architecture of one's consciousness that determines one's relationship with the one moment.
We can envision this as a ray of light descending and that within the ray of ONE are infinite potentials of gradient created by the mind. This IS a divine and "inspired" light of oneness, and yet this oneness is veiled when we think of any aspect of our experience as being less than whole, or when we "ask" and then "receive" a gradient of lesser experience.
We ARE creating our experience as our relationship with the world is revealing the state of our mind to us.
A "person" may be "inspired" to walk up and talk with someone and it is how they perceive this "inspiration" that determines the relationship they will have with themselves and with others.
They may "think" that it is the voice of an angel that inspires them and now they are dreaming in mythology. Or, that it is some guru speaking and now they are dreaming in lineage, or whatever they may imagine the inspiration to be.
We see how the ONE divine inspiration is being fractured by the past and future gradients and how this illusion is a loop that is to be transcended. By simply owning the "inspired" thought, letting it dance away like a falling leaf, we then know our wholeness in all relationships.
Fractures do just what they say, they fracture the ONE into many, and herein is the color pallet of the dream.