Thursday, November 1, 2007

Be Mindful Teachers

I observe that the majority are now seeking and learning energy manifestation egoically and not in awareness they are doing so.
They are not aware that they have only harnessed the ego with new teachings for further eons of unneeded lessons and entrapment.

We are here for each other.
We awaken for each other.
We become creators for each other.

Now we have millions who are using energy to create what they need, and not what we ALL need.

Teachers, be mindful in the knowledge you share; for what you share is a power that can be plugged into
an illusion or solution.
Today there are even more illusion machines pumping out new ego toys when this is the last thing that we need.

Of course there is no right or wrong, but there is discernment for the flower to follow the Sun.

We ultimately become creators to create vibrations of light, love, compassion, and peace - not more material. Material will never truly satisfy US, because we are more.

We can spend lifetimes creating castles, dream realities, or whatever else we can conjure and still be in the realm of ego while WE still suffer without even realizing. Or, we can know ourselves so fully that we disappear and then we are the ONE who is love, peace, and compassion.

We can then be a channel for divinity to shine through as true co-creators of love.

Manipulation of energies is not enlightenment; it is still only a part of physiological evolution, remember this.

It the intent of the heart that enlightens.

When you teach, it would be valuable to clarify this for the student

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Welcome, and thank you for sharing with me. I will read your comment as soon as I am able. I am honored you have stopped by.