In a fertile soil of surrender, gratitude, and humility the heart blooms and in stillness the angels of light arrive and pollinate our soul.
Be at peace my love as we are exactly where we are by a greater design; for at one day life is our favorite sport, then a favorite band, then a great job, then a religion, then a spiritual teaching, and then still these "things" are not enough and so we seek within for our answers as we are being "called" home to the ONE we ARE. We see that there is no "right" or "wrong" to life for we are all ascending (or evolving) in our awareness as this is the WAY.
A favorite band to a teen IS their life and love and solace and understanding, so can we truly say that their relationship with this band is "wrong"? No. At that moment it is perfect because that is what it IS and so this is LIFE. Is it not futile to attempt to teach "advanced logic" to a five year old? Yes, and this again is not judgment, it is recognizing and responding to a unique "level" of awareness from a stance of love. So we are to let "others" play at their "level" of understanding and when they ask of us, we listen and respond in and AS love.
We may examine it this way: the mother shares just enough knowledge with the child for the child to know how to safely play in its surroundings and then off the child runs into the mystery. When the child falls down and hurts itself there is no judgment from the mother, there is only love. The physical mother and the mother within our heart then heals the child, shares more wisdom so that they may not fall down again, and off the child goes again out to play and such is life! <3
Concerning our awareness, If we plugged a lamp directly into a power-station's main source it would instantly explode yes? and this analogous to our "souls" as well.
We are re-realizing ourselves as the ONE through a light-gradient-staircase lest we would lose all sense of ourselves and explode into and "as" GOD.
We can think of this energetically in that with each new realization we experience we then expand proportionately in our awareness, though still balanced and retaining our sense of identity. If we just directly "stood before God" we would not exist, this is not a mystery. If we placed a lit candle in room illuminated by 1,000,000 lamps would we still see the glow of the single candle light? No. In fact, would we even see ourselves? No, we would only see ONE light. Our "individual" identity would not exist as only the ONE light would; only God would, and then the ego's journey would abruptly be over as would also the ineffable gift of traveling HOME to the Glory that IS.
Love created creation so it had more it could love <3
So relax and know that ALL is perfect. LIFE knows what it is doing. Life is only less (or wrong) when we "think" this.
Let us enjoy all that we experience, no matter what we "think" of it and we are now free in love. ♥
Let us humbly learn and unlearn and we will then continually bloom in our beloved. ♥
just dropped by, nice post,
ReplyDelete-cathy young