Friday, February 15, 2008

Examining the Concept of Having a Mission

Hello me.

I had an interesting conversation with a close friend this morning. It is incredible experiencing another aspect of the mystery in the form of a person. As we were talking we began to speak candidly about inner experiences that we have each had. I realize this tends to lead to inexplicable areas, but nevertheless we traveled on.

I have this consistent experience of becoming involved with something and then absorbing, absolving, assimilating and the losing the impetus that brought me there in the first place. Hence, I drift away from what had “caught” my attention. This is just the way it is. It is not better or worse than another. I do not ask or create this. I don’t attribute this to some divine mysterious deity – it just is. This has become more rapid these past few years. The amount of time I spend passing through a belief or concept is lessening.

The only way I can explain this is that after being “in” a group or movement or teaching I start to feel confined for some reason, and then suddenly I am back out with the knowing that I do not need to be in what I was in for completion. Yes, it as though any time I become involved with an energy that does not know its own completeness I am uncomfortable. It as though I have to pretend that I incomplete and empathetic to whatever has now entered my reality to create the sustaining relationships. I don’t have many relationships and do not mind. Maybe I am finally at 40 beginning to believe in me.

I have no idea what I know. I don’t claim to know more than another; in fact, the only thing I do is un-know.

So my friend and I have musically performed numerous times and it has been fine, almost introductory. Now he is formulating larger projects, possibly global and this certain caveat I brought up. This individual is on a mission; so conclusively the direction and eventual projects all are under this umbrella. Stand in the rain.

Mission? What does this mean? What does it mean when we say “I have a mission?” All that I feel today through my being is I am experiencing a consciousness that must fix things to then know peace. I can see this is the new “spiritual” market and tools, and within layers and layers of teachings. How will this consciousness ever find wholeness if it only looks for what it thinks needs fixing? As I stated in a previous blog; in order to fulfill the hunger of a mission one would then need to experience a reality that needs solving or fixing to thus be “on” their mission. Does this make sense? I realize and remain open as I experience this person in my life.

Would not this translate into environment seeing that those on a mission will have to have things to resolve to satisfy their need to be on a mission? It seems to me that you could be in a slum or on some other plane of evolved existence and still “see” what you need to see and not truth to justify the mission.

I don’t have a mission, which as been the most confusing aspect of my journey and eventual saving grace.

As we were speaking I wished I could draw out the image I was seeing in my head; I speak in relationships and geometry. I would draw a circle in the center of a piece of paper. I would draw a Yin/Yang sign in the circle representing the natural balance of Earth. I would then for clarities sake draw another small “human” circle outside of the main Earth circle and yet within a dashed larger circle of influence approximately 3 times the diameter of the Earth. We can say that this is the vibration influence of our race (just for rhetorical theory, seeing vibration is real to us). Now let us say that the Earth is a musical octave. As we know a musical note is just the vibration of a string at different oscillating ratios. You can create any note on one string. Each human may be the physical manifestation of a musical note traveling through the oscillations of creation I would then draw many small lines from the small “human” circle attaching to the Earth, and then lines going out in all directions for a visual reference to the beyond.

If we look at our teacher in action by observing nature we see that despite what we think or feel it is balanced. We realize the further we step back, the clearer nature becomes. We can not step in and remove a certain species of plant, animal, or mineral or everything is affected. We are seeing the result of the experiments attempted through our growing understanding today in the accelerated changes in our environment. Through wisdom can we “let it be?” We can construe the shifting of tectonic plates as horrible or chaotic or a result of sinful actions; or, we can know the impermanence of life and just observe without any conceptual attachment and be in peace no matter the situation. Of course I am not perfect and still have many dramas but I am observing.

Can this not be done with our human structure as well?

So if we take one on a mission as an example, and they are here on the Earth, would it not suffice it to say that the Earth can cater to this being’s desire? Yes. Then can we also say when talking about an Indian sage or New Age teacher or one we consider awake or enlightened that the Earth is for them as well? Yes. So the Earth can be all these things, but how is this possible? Is it not in the eye of the beholder? Can we then state that not ONE of these realities has precedence over another, just as not one tree or animal species has precedence over the other? We could then accept the Earth, all of it, and find our peace within by not trying to fix things and just observing our own nature. Imagine what we can experience if we are only allowing the moment to flow through, the alive and flowing reality instead of our limited beliefs which fester in the past. Sit and ponder how much energy is being spent on the not now. Do you see how truly there is only a smallest of fractions that are present? Of course there are needed modalities at this time to keep order, even though the chaos is immeasurable.

I must digress; I was watching the “Planet Earth” DVD series yesterday and thought, “if we take all the energy that is feeding conservation and animal preservation and global warming causes or any “fix it” consciousness for that matter and changed the lesser-evolved stagnant creations that are disrupting nature, all would solve itself through the joy of life expressing itself.”

You can’t change the reflection; you can only change the subject – I love that.

If all these groups truly want change then they should unite and be the change. It is comical to see them clearing the water just around the corner from a factory which is dumping waste into it; or spending monies on creating “safe” environments for animals when it is the accepted companies that are causing the “problems.” Do we see that this complete design can be bypassed by using our energy not to feed the illusion but by collecting and being the now? Collecting and allowing life to express nature through us; and we can see that nature does know what is doing, far more that we can grasp – so let it do what it does. Let new creative companies create new harmonies because this is what they are doing. Nature does not try and repair a bloom that has fallen to the Earth, it grows a new bloom. And here’s the kicker, it experiences life through the fallen petals by absorbing the elements that have comprised it within that exact moment of the now. If nature spent its energy on fixing the dying, then it would cease to exist as we know it.

OK, back to the subject at hand; we can then say that everything on the Earth is comprised of this octave or it would not be know to us. Can we say that this Earth is a teacher? If we can, then can we further state that the lessons are so numbered and diverse that we could never know them all and that maybe we don’t have to? Can we then say that all the things in the world that we place such emphasis on and that seem vital are possibly not? Could we then observe that what is left is ourselves?

Concerning the mission; what I have been attempting to explain is if that if the one core thing our reality is saying to us is to look and know ourselves, as the wise ones have stated, and we do become aware of more than the concept of “fixing” or not accepting the balance of nature, is it not logical that we would have learned to know and accept ourselves as the Earth has taught and that we then will have new unlimited experience? This makes sense too me, I am not sure about anyone else. So could we then say that by seeing (though we don’t want to) that even this body is impermanent by nature’s design that we would continue to experience the Earth as we know it until we learn this truth? We can even look at this through physics and the laws we understand at this time. We know that we are a consciousness that is beyond our musings and endless, everything points to this knowing. We also realize that everything is actually a part of one connected something. So concerning the Earth, it is our vibration interplay, or attachments that incorporate us into this octave. If we are living middle “C”, and middle “c” is Earth as we know it, then we are here. So if a “mission” consciousness is within this Earth octave we can conclude that despite the impermanence we will continue to be here. So theoretically we are then in a self-perpetuating loop of the Universe creating the situation to satisfy our current evolutionary beliefs: missions, until we through observance realize that our life is just the expression of being alive. We can still be doing exactly what we were doing but from a larger perspective, and thus not limited in scope.

Express for the joy of expressing. Sing to sing. Paint to paint. Create a business because this is expressing who you are. Heal to heal, not because you think people need healing but because you love life and all that you experience in it. It may seem like a small thing, but this is beyond semantics and could be far-reaching. Let this, the tiniest of shifts occur by just observing now that it can. Truly, it is analogous to being in a room or to being in the world. Another thing to realize is that when we are living within a confined consciousness we tend to express through recycling. It is analogous to everyone on a plane inhaling and exhaling the same air until one opens the door and new air arrives. So we could also say that the now or newness of experience is expressing through unconfined means as well as working mysteriously everywhere beyond the scope of my understanding. Conversely, if we only observe and not attach ourselves to any limiting factors through our own evolutionary knowing, we are then naturally moving onto another octave due to the fact that we are not a part of the middle “c” octave. Additionally, if we are not placing our awareness on the lessons of the Earth, then where are we? And what then is being through us?

Let me clarify that I do not feel NOW is a frozen moment of existence. On the contrary, I suggest that it is an uninhibited expression of being that will eventually flow through any form.

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Welcome, and thank you for sharing with me. I will read your comment as soon as I am able. I am honored you have stopped by.